Brazil, Fazenda Severino
Receiver Coffee Co.

Brazil, Fazenda Severino

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 Brazil, Fazenda Severino

Farmer: Vicente Evangelista Salviano

Region: Cerrado Mineiro, Minas Gerais

Process: Natural

Varietals: Yellow Bourbon

Flavour Notes: Nutty, Chocolatey, Heavy Body, 

Fazenda Severino is located in the Alto Paranaíba region in the state of Minas Gerais. It is characterized by well-defined climatic seasons, with good annual precipitation rates, creating ideal conditions for coffee production. Vicente Evangelista Salviano started with 70 ha of land in a remote area with no mechanical resources. Salviano and his wife Helena came from families with coffee in their blood and began the long, challenging journey of building up the farm. There was no trace of previous agricultural activity on the land, and the whole region was degraded after being previously used in rudimentary ways as a cattle pasture.

There was no road or facilities to the farm, so everything had to come from afar over 18 kilometers of rough dirt road. However, they had a lot of hope and determination and persevered. Salviano first planted 30 ha of coffee plants. Over time the area was rebuilt and recovered from any previous degradation becoming green, fertile, and prosperous. Subsequently, they acquired six neighboring properties to increase capacity.

Fazenda Severino aims to combine social, environmental, and economic factors to maintain their efforts and continue to see the farm thrive. Today, the entire region has more than three million coffee trees planted, reinforcing their belief that it had a prosperous future, where everything was cultivated with a lot of dedication, effort, and personal resources.